I have written here about the four reasons
For the interests part, you can use the "and" condition between them, more precisely you can target people interested in Fashion, but also in Online Shopping. Before you start targeting , it is important to make sure that: you have a clear goal in mind for your campaign, whether you want more page likes or website traffic you know what budget you allocate and for what period of time These 2 aspects will help you choose which of the above audiences are the most suitable for your campaign and also how much you can test new audiences. Good luck with targeting! If you have a business and you are still not convinced that Instagram suits your target audience, why it is worth considering this social network for your content strategy.Today, however, I want to talk to you about something else. After many discussions, requests and frustrations of brands that communicate and invest serious budgets in Instagram content, the platform team decided, starting last Phone Number Data month, to offer brands the opportunity to validate their business through an Instagram for Business account and a series of statistics, which help to better understand how the public interacts with the content. How to switch from an individual profile to a business profile If you already have an account for your brand on this platform, Instagram explains in detail, in this video , the steps to make the switch to a business account. It is about four steps : 1.
Access the profile and select the settings icon, in the upper right part of the account Step 1 2. Click on Switch to Business Profile step 2 3. Next, you will be asked to connect the account with the Facebook page of your business step 3 4. At the end, you will set the contact information : address, phone number and email. step 4 Et voila, from now on, for the posts you make, you will receive statistics.What statistics does Instagram for Business offer you? Once you start posting on your new Business account, you will notice, after about a week, 3 types of statistics : General statistics regarding the interaction General statistics on followers Statistics for each individual post In order for the platform to generate relevant general statistics, you must have at least 100 followers per account.