Character site design
Character site design is considered to be part of news site design, so you can read the article on news sites along with this article, but in this article, I will only deal with the sites of people and characters and the facilities required. A character introduction site should start with an initial introduction about the person and the person so that the user knows what person has entered the page. For more famous people, a smaller introduction section can be placed on the main page, and for less famous people, it is better to put more descriptions and profiles about the person on the site, and after introducing the person, the following facilities can be considered for the site. Individual news section The news section of the site, which can contain news about the person's activities, can be placed on the main page in the news box, and other news can be placed on the news page.Activity news section Every person and personality has a field telephone number list activity that can be placed on the site in the news section of the field of activity. The news section of the field of activity can be placed both on the main page of the website as a box and on its own page. Articles or blogs In this section, the articles written by the person are placed on the site so that other users can get acquainted with the person's writings. This section can include the comments section so that users can comment on the content, and sharing on social networks can also be activated for this section so that users can easily share the content on their social networks.
Photo Gallery In this section of the website, a collection and gallery of images related to the person, activities and events can be placed on the site so that users can get more familiar with the character through visual aspects. In the gallery, the images are categorized and related to ceremonies, days and events on the site. Video gallery In this section, videos related to a person can be uploaded, and this section can also be presented in different categories, and videos can be presented in the desired categories. Links In this section, you can place sites related to the field of activity and field of the person and personality and related people so that users can refer to these sites. The links section can also include categories to categorize related sites in different aspects.