Colors that generate contrast and facilitate reading
As well as identifying important buttons or sections of the website. Layout the content so that the structure is pleasant and we do not become overwhelmed with many elements. Another relevant aspect is the loading speed , and if our website takes many seconds to load, users will leave in despair. To analyze the speed and usability of your website you can use Google's official and free PageSpeed Insights tool , which will diagnose your site.PageSpeed Insights We have to take care, therefore, of Special Database the time it takes our website to show the information to the user and the way in which it is displayed. Diversify traffic from other channels In this article we are talking about websites, but why not diversify traffic with other channels? Imagine that suddenly the positioning of your website drops a lot in Google, and you lose organic traffic. If you had other alternative channels, you could continue to have visits through those channels ; So, I highly recommend that you work other channels to get visits: Social networks , from which you can link in the biography to your website.
Newsletter , in which you can notify of new articles or products so that they visit your website with email marketing strategies . Podcast , in which they can listen to your episodes from platforms such as Spotify, without depending on Google. Google Discover , a news module that can make your content go viral if you are featured. YouTube , uploading videos related to your topic so that your visibility does not depend exclusively on the website. Make collaborations Collaborating with other brands or influencers can expand your reach and attract a new audience. Collaborations can range from interviews with other experts to roundpost- type articles in which several participants offer their opinion.