Click Apply at the bottom of the page to save it and add it to the results
It is worth noting that you can control the search keyword data according to the time period you want, whether it is the last month, the last 12 months, or whatever you want. This option can be used to know statistics for keywords during a specific period, such as the summer months or the school year, and you can access it by clicking on the arrow next to the date at the top right.Well, can the keywords we are looking for be improved? Yes, this is Phone Number Data possible by clicking on Refine keywords. When you click on this tool, it will show you some simple suggestions or improvements to your keywords, as in the following image: refine keywords The previous image contains several initial options that will improve the way you search for keywords. However, if you choose to click on Expand all, all the options that you can use or delete will appear for you, as shown in the following image: Refine Keywords options Brand or Non-Brand is specific to brands and is useful if you do not want certain brands to appear during your search.
The Platform option shows you search words related to websites or programs. Finally, Others shows you words that do not belong to the previous two categories. Important note: The details of the Refine keywords section options change from one site to another and from one search topic to another. For example, if you are searching for words related to selling specific products, options will appear that allow you to control the details of these products, such as their size, sizes, etc. 3. Refine your keyword search Now we will discuss designing a filter to improve keyword search results. The goal of the filter is to delete results with certain characteristics.