I gave the same link again asked
Continue to monitor your site's performance and make adjustments as necessary.” WebPilot Plugin By using the WebPilot plugin, you can ask questions about the website link you have provided and ask artificial intelligence to produce content for you based on the content on the website. In my example, I asked the artificial intelligence to examine the website https://zeo.org/ and give me 10 blog topics that I could write on the Zeo blog. The answer he gave matched the request I had asked for, but it seemed a little incomplete.It's like he just read the link I gave him and extracted the content from there. To resolve this doubt,a question about the subject on a different page on the site, and scanned the hom Job Seekers Phone Numbers List e page first. Afterwards, when he could not find the answer, he scanned different pages until he found the answer to the question and gave us the answer. You can see the screenshot of the page where he found the answer below.
When I asked another question to test this situation again, he could not answer. For this reason, we can say that we should not go into too much detail when using this plugin. Last word We examined web browsing and plug-ins that work with the ChatGPT+ feature, along with examples. New plugins are added to the Plugin Store every day. If you have a ChatGPT+ membership, you can add a new perspective to your business by keeping up to date with these plugins and using artificial intelligence plugins that may be useful to you.