Treat changes calmly and always be prepared
According to the importance of the business process, the functions are divided into dependencies, and which ones need to be laid down first. ) How to measure the value of these functions after construction, quantify the effect from to , and monitor it based on indicators. Of course, the rhythm also needs to be adjusted according to business urgency and resource scarcity.Treat changes calmly and always be prepared Of course, in today's unpredictable Indonesia Telegram Number Data world of Internet companies, it's better to be more prepared. We need to actively face changes in fields, adjustments to product positions, and changes in business. We can also inherit the highlights of the original positions and move them to new fields. The Internet calls for embracing change, and there is also a common saying that the only constant is change. It is true that high returns are accompanied by high pressure and high risks.
When the current situation changes, more exchange of information and more attempts at skills may not be a bad thing. B-end products are very competitive in the market from the perspective of general trends, and they are very methodological and replicable. It’s just that when fluctuations occur in the corporate sector, it will be wider and involve adjustments, but there is no need to panic. As long as you can endure it, insist on making B-end products solid, and take into account the absorption of new knowledge points, the road ahead will definitely become wider and wider.