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Important The SWOT analysis only

Describes conditions and not strategies! These are only developed afterwards based on the results. The letters are an acronym and are made up of the following English terms: S = Strengths, German: Strengths W = Weaknesses, German: weaknesses The “S” and the “W” analyze internal company factors O = Opportunities, German: Chances T = Threats, German: risks The “O” and the “T” correspond to factors external to the company Importance of SWOT Analysis The letters “SWOT” describe the factors: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Internal & external company factors As already described above, the Special Data analysis is made up of factors internal to and external to the company. They differ as follows: The internal company factors include, for example Core competencies The product offered or market performance Financial circumstances Sales structure Production situation etc. Note: The internal company factors can be directly influenced by you and your company. Employees as an internal factor of the SWOT analysis The know-how of your employees is one of the company's internal factors.


Examples of external company factors include: Growth of the industry Buyer behavior & demands competitive situation Legal circumstances Ecological conditions etc. Note: The factors external to the company cannot be directly influenced by you and your company. Solve problems with SWOT analysis From a challenge to a plannable strategy: The SWOT analysis is also suitable for your online marketing! How does SWOT analysis work? To use the SWOT analysis, you should ask yourself a few questions for the four areas of analysis.

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