Steps to implementing a content strategy based on UX and SEO Find a subject and an original angle of view to talk about it An article must carry a clear message, must have a precise writing style, which is specific to the editorial strategy of the brand as a general rule. Then, it is important to know who you are addressing: for that, you have to define your target. Once you know it, it is easier to define the tone to use : relaxed, serious, informally, informally, etc. What type of article do we want: informative article, journalistic, etc.
Structure your ideas and especially the textual content ! Make clear Chinese Singapore Phone Number List parts, with a relevant hierarchy. Crucial step: choosing the title ! It's like the cover of a book, it must make you want to read the article and arouse curiosity, interest.When the Internet user clicks (victory!), you have to hook them from the start with a short snippet (3 sentences are enough, like the famous “3 seconds to judge a person in a job interview”) and effective ! What mistakes should be avoided to implement a good web content strategy? If you use the “click whore”, it is at your own risk, because if the title is not consistent with the content of the page, you will disappoint the Internet user… who will leave as quickly as he is arrived, (generating a high bounce rate).

However, what we want is for him to perform an action on this page. Falling into caricature by wanting to be too original. You always need a basic message, with meaning no matter how you convey it. Post boring or unreadable content. Within the article itself (especially if it is long), it must be interspersed with images, visuals, highlights, etc. The form will therefore be there to serve the substance! Do not relaunch the reader: if he is on your page and the text is long, you can use short transition sentences, so as not to lose your reader between two paragraphs.