However, we must always keep in mind that technology improvements are for everyone and depends on ourselves the business and growth vision we can achieve. Is business responsibility without a bottomless rhetoric to improve the image in front of the consumer or we really talk about companies What do they seek to contribute to a better society? Most companies always try to show us in one way or another their humanitarian side, social assistance, contribution to the development ofthe country, etc., this if you doubt your image in the perspective of the consumer.
So, rather than looking for if they do it for their own Denmark WhatsApp Number Data benefit or not, we have to get all companies and we own what is necessary to achieve a better society. Accede to answer Sergio unfortunately I think companies are far from having a vision and social and social and social. It is clear that there are many examples of companies that are really determined that their business development is marked with an ethics seal but I think it is not generality. the day -to -day life of companies stops very little to worry about this type of aspects and usually prevails more the economic result even leaving aside ethics to meet the objectives.

Unfortunately this is my experience in my professional career and people, which after all are the ones that make up companies, we need a long process to change this way of "doing business" to which we are accustomed. Diana undoubtedly Big Data is a tool today essential for all companies, from the largest to the smallest. Each and every one need to advance to the facts to know how to contribute to their consumers or users, this is a reality gentlemen. You can not continue to guess what can work, now the user/consumer has power, but beyond power is the need. This is a term that generically influences even more social spaces.