Is a Marketing degree worth it? I'm sure that you, who would like to enter the Digital Marketing field, have asked yourself this question a few times. In this text, we will give our opinion, but never disparaging any course or the choice of each one. Read until the end and understand.
The truth is that the more we study, acquire knowledge, invest in quality education, the better professionals we become, in addition to standing out in the market and delivering excellent work to our clients.
Professionals who are in the field every day, creating campaigns and rcs data nigeria with social networks, need to keep themselves updated, as a strategy that worked the previous month may no longer yield as many results.
Drawing a parallel with college, where it will take you 2 to 3 years to graduate, it will still require you to look for improvement courses, specializations to keep up with this avalanche of information that we have daily.
Without a doubt, a degree will open doors to the job market, giving you the opportunity to hold high-level positions such as managing a marketing team. However, if you intend to work independently, a degree is not necessary to prove your knowledge in the area.
This decision is more about your professional goals than the demands of your career. Remember that all knowledge is valid.
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