Don't get hung up on the fact that one day that's been gathering dust in your closet for a decade, or a shell you collected at the beach as a kid. Tell yourself that probably not a single thing you throw away starts with the obvious garbage The best way to get used to throwing things is to make it a habit. To achieve the desired effect, it should be formed gradually. Let's say you want to make it a rule to go for a regular morning run.
On the first day, you can get up early and head straight for the gate. Second, do the same and put on your sneakers. Taking small steps, you are slowly but surely making progress towards your main goal. Ichiro Suzuki, one of the moible number data best baseball players in Japan and the United States, firmly believes that this is the only way to one day achieve something truly great. The same goes for throwing things. You can throw away old slippers first, and some old boots with holes in the soles the next day.

Gradually, you'll get a taste of it, get daring, and throw your musty old raincoat in the trash: that is, all your new achievements will build on previous ones. For starters, separate from what anyone would consider garbage. Throw away unused empty jars or food containers. Check your refrigerator and throw out expired food. Throw your torn clothes in the trash. Anyway, start with the obvious garbage. Minimize everything in multiple instances Minimizing the same content in multiple instances is easy.