Now that you know the basic of linkedin profiles search through Google, let’s get to the next level with boolean search. Use Boolean Search on Google To Find Linkedin Profiles Yes, you can use boolean search on Google to look for linkedin profile. Here is how it works: boolean search is really simple programmatic language that work with a combination of logical connectors and punctuation: AND: look for several keywords OR: look for at least one keyword in a list NOT: exclude keywords Quotes: look for an exact expression of several words.
Parentheses: combine several boolean Web Design and Development Service operators Here is a video explaining how boolean search works on sales navigator. It’s exactly the same technique for Google: Export Sales Navigator leads for free Let’s take a concrete example here. We are going to look for Head of Sales and Head of Marketing in the Software industry. They are two ways you can do this with boolean search: “Head of Sales” OR “Head of Marketing” AND Software Head AND (Sales OR Marketing) AND Software Let’s apply this to Google search.
Use boolean search on google to search linkedin profiles You can see that in the search results I have types of job titles as expected: Head of Sales Head of Marketing Head of Marketing and Sales If I open the first profile I can see that the keyword “software” does appear on the page as expected: boolean search google linkedin profile You can even combine Google and boolean operator like this: in intitle: Head AND (Sales OR Marketing) software OR Saas This will for Head of Sales or Head of and for software or SaaS in the whole profile. combine google and boolean operator to find linkedin profiles.